HIV Toolbox

Also available in: Español

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At the Regional Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean on the Support, Coordination and Communication of Civil Society and communities, we have seen the need to strengthen our knowledge regarding political advocacy, social oversight, human rights, gender, monitoring and evaluation to respond to HIV and contribute to achieving the 90-90-90 goal.

In this toolbox you will be able to download 4 key documents to support that completeness in the actions that are developed around the response.

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diagnosisImprove the diagnosis of gender related aspects

Gender assessment tool for national HIV and TB responses.


evaluationImprove  monitoring and evaluation of your organization’s  projects

Manual on projects monitoring and evaluation for civil society organizations.


managementImprove your capabilities in terms of management, political advocacy and social oversight

Manual with methodologies and tools to train facilitators in management, advocacy and social oversight.


womanStrengthen the exercise of human rights of women with HIV

Manual to strengthen the exercise of human rights for women living with HIV in Latin America.
